QT Filters, Pleated, Pore Size 3 - 5 µm, Diameter185 mm, 100/pk, Quantitative. Hach® QT Filtersare recommended for use in various HachWater Analysis Handbook Methods and otherenvironmental reference methods. Optimizedashless...
DPD Total Chlorine Reagent, Swiftest™Dispenser. DPD Total Chlorine ReagentDispenser and reagent vial, 250 Tests. USEPAaccepted for reporting drinking water andwastewater analyses using Hach Method 8167.Free chlorine and potassium iodide Swiftestdispensers...
Stablcal Turbidity standard solution 20 NTU (1000mL). Stablcal Turbidity Standard for all Turbidimeters.USEPA accepted for calibration purposes. StablcalStabilized Formazin Turbidity Standards are trueFormazin dilutions developed for use in anyturbidimeter. NTU...
Manver 2 Hardness Indicator PowderPillows, 50 mL Sample, pk/100. Indicator fordetermination of total hardness and chelantsby titration. Powder Pillows for 50 mLsamples. Pack of 100 powder pillows.
Phenol Red Indicator Solution, Spec.Grade, 50 mL. Phenol Red IndicatorSolution. Standardized for colorimetric pHdetermination. Color range: pH 6.0-8.5.Bottle/50 mL spec. grade.